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Many thanks for all the sharing of all the wealth of strength, courage, independence and love of life that each woman is expressing, I have been absolutely enjoying #CelebratingWomen! It has been a wonderful experience growing with them as a human being, each woman has been a teacher in their story, “ChangetheStoryChangetheWorld” as we speak individually and collectively in owning our own individual gifts and being EMPOWERED.  Thank you all for the gifts that you are for all of us!          Anastasia


Our journey has not been easy, this journey of empowerment! My own life story, has given me the opportunity to choose to be that gift, and own my divine right and heritage in each and every breath and through the creation of each of my cell formation moment. The challenge has always been in….the minute I left the epidemiological nurturing feed and the umbilical cord of my mother…. -(as one of my teachers says it so well….“Oh Oh! I am “Clinched” this world that I chose to come and learn in….I am now left with all the doors, windows, crannies and nooks to go through)- ….and “Victimhood and Survival” mode kicked in… know what I am talking about? We are all in this game together…… 

This past little while I have been journeying and through one of my clients I was reminded of this beautiful journey. That owning one’s own gift of empowerment is a beautiful gift, it gives rise to be in that space of unconditional love, and the ability to radiate and shine one’s own gift, that gift that each is born to give to humanity through their own individual make up of their DNA. That is the key in how you and your gift can succeed and reach your potential, just as in going to the gym and working that muscle until it is embodied. Sad to say… cheating will assist with the embodiment process….The “CHOICE” is individual, the “VOICE” is individual and “EMPOWERMENT” is the upliftment of the collective. As a very good friend always says…..empowerment is a gift, that when shared has the power to give courage, strength and to believe in oneself and the concept of betting on oneself! This is one game in life that one cannot lose, the game of giving rise to the gift of empowerment. In recognizing that in giving into victimhood and survival, in chasing the carrot, there is no cheese down that tunnel.

As there are no coincidences in life, I want to thank one of my clients for being that gift for us all… she unveils:

“Getting my tarot cards read by Anastasia was a fascinating and surreal experience. I had no prior experience with tarot card reading and I was impressed with the accuracy and intuitive guidance she was able to infer from the cards. I have had my cards read by Anastasia twice now and both times I felt like it was a progression from my previous reading. She also has an excellent memory and knack for making people feel inclusive - she was able to recall details from my first reading that she was able to include in my following readings. I feel like she is able to guide my life, rather than just guide me in the moment. She is also a very genuine and kind person, and I believe her own life experiences have provided her with passion and desire to help others along their life's path. I would highly recommend a reading with Anastasia, I promise you will not be disappointed but rather wowed at her ability to provide answers to your mind, body and soul.” - Laura 

Thank you Laura for giving us the gift of “EMPOWERMENT” and reminding us that “VICTIMHOOD” and “SURVIVAL” are perceptions that we have a "CHOICE" to choose to live in or not…….




Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. Be patient and trust the process....“Map out your future, but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.” - Jon Bon Jovi -


#time #matters #patient #trust #believe #process #life #love #mindset #outlook #optimism #compassion #purpose #thankful #appreciation #events #future #map #road #keepmoving #maps #life #journey #donotgiveup #believeinyourself #outlook #motivation #inspiration #direction #opportunities #grateful #love #passion #mindset


Time, Wealth and Health!


Strength and Courage be my guiding light…...


When our life conflicts with our authentic “Divine True Self”,

We feel out of sorts, balance, confused and unfulfilled, the feeling is of someone else is living their life through us. We are disconnected!


Why you ask….?????       What is the impact…..?????


The foundation of this is build upon for “ONE” in the world of compromise!!!!!

This toxic compromise…is build on belief, emotional and thought patterns that are drawn from our caveman survival needs being met, needs such as: being fed, accepted, belonging, loved, worthiness………...leading to being a pleaser, a manipulator, a toxic gossiper, a stabber, an enabler….

Leading “ONE” to living their life out of lies, in protection, separation…IN FEAR of rejections….

This downward spiral and conflict within builds for “ONE” toxic feelings, emotions, judgements and stigma such as: Anger, resentments, regrets, jealousy, envy, insecure, calamities, anxiety, grief……….

No “ONE” knows what suits “ONE” and what is best for “ONE” but you – yourself.

No “ONE” can build those healthy “ENERGETIC BOUNDARIES” for you but you – yourself,

Leaving you – standing in your “POWER” and “EMPOWERED”.


Search within and seek what you love and enjoy your life!                                                        Anastasia

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Many people spend too much time trying to be the Captain of someone else's boat. Learn to be a LIGHTHOUSE and boats will find their way.....                                                  Anastasia 


Painting by Carl Valente -


#lighthouse #lightupsomeonesday #inspiration #happy #passion #compassion #experience #trust #mindfulness #leader #purpose

Taking the time to re-balance your life?


.When letting go of passive-aggressive relationships:
Give yourself a break from everything else and concentrate on yourself.
ONE is not responsible for fixing everything that is broken.
ONE doesn't always have to make everyone else happy. 
Making ONE's own happiness is a priority towards creating that peace of mind! 
#Inspiration #Lifestyle #HealthyuseofEmpathy #YourGifts 

#Takecareofyourself #Lifelearnedlessons #LifelearenedEmotions
#Lifelearnedfeelings #Believeinyourself #Trustyourinnerself
#Attitudetoinspiration #Motivation #Selfcare #Selfworth #Deserving

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We are responsible for what we put out there in our space....

Take the time to see what is working in your life and what is not!

So perfectly Stated:

The message from Oprah is remove yourself from the energy suckers.















"The Types of Energy Suckers That Can Drain You...."


Most of the time they don't know what they are doing but they just exhaust you when they are around. Also known as energy vampires, they are the ones that you deal with out of love, friendship, or work. We all have one or more of these folks in our life. But what can you do, you have to deal with them whether you want to or not. The family member that comes to the dinner party and sucks the fun right out of it. The friend that in their mind has more problems than anyone else alive. The coworker that makes your good mood turn into immediate stress.


The Negative Nelly

Probably my least favorite. They have something negative to say about everything. It could be the best idea ever and they will find a way to shoot it down. Negative Nellies usually start their sentences with "Yea but" or "Oh no I can't do that because". Positive comments are not even on their radar.


The Complainer

The complainer has a problem with everything. The only thing that comes out of their mouth is a complaint. They are the worst to work with. I've worked with many of these energy vampires. I come into work in a really good mood and ready to take the world by the tail and here comes The Complainer. "No one does anything right", "Why is this like that, it's not right", "There is no way that anyone can do all of this". They are the ones that make you cringe when you look at your schedule and realize that you are working with them. It doesn't matter how much sleep that you had the night before, once The Complainer comes in, your energy is zapped within an hour or sometimes minutes.


Can't Get A Word In

This is the friend or relative that you call on the phone to tell them something but you never get to speak. They tell you everything that is going on with them but never give you a chance to say anything. You spend a half hour talking to (or listening to) them and hang up without ever telling them why you called. The frustration from the phone call exhausts you.


The One Upper

It doesn't matter what you tell them, they have done it better or worse has happened to them. The One Upper will have always had the worst cold ever and it should be in the medical journals. You tell them that you have to do a long commute for a meeting and they will tell you that they once had to drive, fly and take a slow boat to get to their last mandatory meeting.


The Drama Queen/King

Everything is dramatic. Everything in their life is a problem. It seems that drama follows them everywhere and it is never their fault. It is always someone or something else that caused the drama. They are addicted to it actually. Peace is not ever part of their life. These people can never ever have anything good happening to them and if they start to, they find a way to turn it into drama. The problem is that they love to suck other people into their drama. Causing chaos in others lives that would not normally be there.


Can't Never Could Do Nothin'

Similar to the Negative Nelly. This energy sucker will come to you with a problem and dismiss every solution that you offer them. This conversation could go on for hours if you let it. You end up walking away shaking your head and going home to take a nap.


The Pathological Liar

These guys drain your energy because you are always trying to figure out if what they are saying is true. They could be very entertaining to be around because they always have a story but when it comes to real life stuff, you can't trust what they are saying. They lie about everything from where they are to what someone said to them. They make everything up. These are the energy vampires that make you wonder why in the world you even still talk to them about anything or asked for the truth in the first place.


Can't Sit Still

This energy sucker is really bad for someone who is naturally mellow. They just can't sit still. Always fidgeting or moving about. It's like they are constantly on a caffeine buzz. It is a nervous energy that can drain an entire room of energy in seconds. They are so exhausting to be around. It is different than an energy where you feel like you can walk a mile. They have this continuous nervous energy around them even when they are just sitting and watching TV. In their mind, they are multi-tasking but in reality they are not getting anything done at all.


What Can You Do?

It would be easy to say to just cut these people out of your life but sometimes you just can't.


1) Take deep breaths and counting to 10 works wonders. It gives you some time to not instantly react to what they are saying or doing.

2) Keep your sense of humor. If you can find a way to laugh about it, it will change up your energy. Laughter is truly the best medicine to revive your energy.

3) Limit the amount of time that you are directly in contact with them.

4) Walk away. When you start to feel drained, simply walk away or hang the phone up. Politely excuse yourself and regain your composure.                                                                                                                                         Anastasia

“Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is greater than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” Mahatma Gandhi

Consciousness in Forgiveness.

In this present moment, in reflection of this day! How is the body, the thoughts it carries and the past contribute? As the contribution is beyond the skin of the body…..and it makes up the whole being.

Each part of the being playing a different role in the exchange of the words in the daily commonly phrases….sometimes as a sender and sometimes as a receiver. The positive thought creating the freedom of expression of LOVE in unity, the flow in abundance for it knows no limitations in joy that it creates. The negative thought can harm just as physical violence can. The force of intention and the consciousness in the daily dealings of the words and phrases can express LOVE or it can send a poison arrow ingesting poison into the body.

Grandfather in his storytelling would always share, “I feel as if two wolves are fighting in my heart. One wolf is vengeful, angry, jealous, envy, malicious, violent and the other is loving, compassionate, courageous and strong”…..We the grandchildren would ask…., “Which wolf will win the fight in your heart?” Grandfather would say…..”The ONE I feed”. In Peace, Unity and Solidarity, in the circle of dialogue, in the reality of the holistic being, in sharing a moment of commonality and goodness, in TOGETHERNESS!!!

Which wolf are you feeding?                                                                                                          Anastasia

Common Denominator

What is the common denominator that resonates between each human being????


Do not rely on someone else to love and respect you. Seeking validation from another person who is also in the constant pursuit of either seeking validation or getting validated is your weakness not your strength. Validate yourself by knowing your assets and liabilities. When you know who you are, you seek respect not validation.

“If you are Orpah you were never born to be in Barbara ‘s shoes”

When you take an inner sneak peek into the inventory of your strengths and weaknesses and accept the good and the bad in you are acquainted with a strange feeling of self respect, self regard and self worth. These feelings do not seek validation. Then you bring about a change and this change is only for yourself ... to make you better and better...not for getting validated by someone else. Then the actualisation of your goals is not far away. #selfworth #selfregard #selfrespect #actualisationofgoals                                                                                               Anastasia

Sacred Relationship


We be there for ourselves

We let the currents and winds of uncertainty

In our world ebb and flow as it will.

Like the sea palm in the depths of the ocean

We weather the storms that come our way,

Rooted in our core selves

We do not falter from our path.

With an Open Heart we become the lightness of our thoughts

And the passion of our spirit,

For that unconditional love is unfolding in the now, not from the dreams made of illusions.

As we let the fire of earth and the Air of heaven

Surround us with love, forgiveness becomes our key

To living in our fullest potential.

May the new way of being, alter our consciousness.

For we have a purpose

Our presence is required

To share with the world our message,

A message of hope, shared by many that may not know it.

For we are the Abundance of Love

And Joy and Peace.

Together in Unity we bring the word of compassion,

Into lives creating Beauty out of Chaos.

For we are here to grow as Spiritual Beings

In a Physical Body

For we are one, we are many. . . 

              Universe let the Golden Showers of Blessings Fall!!!.                                                                                                                   Anastasia

The Art of Bonding

Ever ask these questions?:


Why me?

Why is it impacting my emotions and health?

How do I know how to create healthy boundaries?

What role does trust play?


Recently, I came into a journey….Allow yourself to be seen and See Others…. Awareness from within.


Creating and manifesting a new paradigm in our personal life is a reality and a decision that one can take right now.


The awakening…In asking the Gold Fish…how is the water? The Gold Fish said…” What water?” …….Life in general has become of “Normale” that “ i ” forgot that the water exists.  " I " am not alone, we are one, we are many.....!!!!


Realizing that the only one that is responsible for one’s well-being and happiness is “ i ”.


“ i ” is unique and with no room for comparison in life.


In taking ownership of current reality, it doesn’t mean it defines or limits one. We always have another choice, another possibility.


It is only “ i ” that can love and take care of one’s body.

In listening to the signals, one receives from one’s own body and the universe.


Not ignoring instinct, the gut feeling, and intuition.


In honouring that the mind is not the only authority, observing thoughts, choosing the path of empowerment.


Not every thought is real, it is just a thought. What is true now? Which thought would one like to see manifested in your reality?


Taking time to question one’s stories, belief systems, teachings, programming, ideas and opinions. Where is it limiting? Where are they building walls instead of opening horizons? Where are they blocking one from living to full potentiality? Where are they creating distance from love? Be the observer in one’s life.


The emotions are the source of information.


Embracing emotions low or high in order to understand more and bring awareness about oneself, the others, and relationships.


Awaiting for the emotional waves to pass by to embrace greater clarity that life is opening one to as a healer of one’s own being and soul.


In deciding to respond with awareness to the events and emotions in life, not reacting blindly. Breathe, BREATHE, BREATHE, Relax!


For one is not a victim.  One is seizing this moment in creating one’s reality.


For one is…..I am Love. I am Abundance. I am Joy. I am Happiness. I am Peace!


This pathway, what connection does it provide as an individual in a collective consciousness? What state of energetic vibration and frequency does the individual hold for the Global WE? 


As (a) light Beings and consciousness, " I "  in totality of consciousness has the ability to light one's own spark, the flame within and ignite each other keep that flame going with LOVE.


In it’s simplest form, in direct engaged conversation, a bonding in the connectedness of one within and the other, in commitment, in trust, telling the truth to the questions, in replying with gentleness and venerability, thus the Art of Bonding becomes…manifested in reality.


In my own story in this lifetime, I was born into the teachings of a religious background, culture and religion had taken on the same meaning of way of life interconnected, many at times, I felt this war and conflict within, eating me up like a cancer.


As I ongoingly go through my own awakening as a spirit in this lifetime, I came into many other teachings, teachings that brought me closer to the learnings of Ontology and the art of spiritual empathy. In empathy I learned that this is the very fabric of relatedness and therefore the very fabric of my ability to live in communication with life itself.  I learned that in listening through my logical thinking, I was listening to life through the intelligence of my mind. In listening through my emotions, I was listening to life through the intelligence of my heart. I needed both, not one at the expense of the other, and empathy sat at the very core of my ability to engage with life from both my heart, as well as my mind. The creative outcome of knowledge and experience integrating and joining together, the meeting of mind and emotions was one of the most influential relationships.  


In midst of all the teachings were the  profound ones, the teachings of Buddha, the planter of the seeds of Spiritual Wisdom the anchoring of the mental activity of light; thereafter, I happened upon the teachings of Jesus, the planter of the seeds of LOVE – Spiritual Wisdom of Unconditional love the anchoring of my potential as a self realized being in a conscious form; my next teaching brought me back to a full circle of my own divine birthright heritage in this lifetime the teachings of Muhammad, I embraced my truth, to embody the light and to be the light to shine for those who were going through the darkness, the lesson of anchoring of the light so that together bonded and in connectedness I could bring the two poles of energy of darkness and light to come to a place of balance and harmony for my story and purpose in giving to the greater good, this brought me to a place of a sense of self enlightenment of manifesting in the physical matter to occur,  a place were I learned the lessons of enabling vs empowerment, the balance between giving and receiving; that my health of any flourishing relationship to a great extent was to be dependent upon communication. This partnership was and is fluent in conversation, fluent in listening, fluent in reflection, and fluent in responsiveness, this enables me to navigate life from a position of conscious choice and mindful compassion, hence, the Art of Bonding become…manifested in reality a way of living my life daily, through each BREATHE!. My spirit embodied me the human being to "Allow myself to be seen and See Others…. Awareness from within".


For I am not a victim.  I am seizing this moment in creating my reality as a human being as a spirit on this planet at this time.


For…..I am Love. I am Abundance. I am Joy. I am Happiness. I am Peace!


In humbleness and gratitude of all those who have been players on my path and journey, for all that is, I sit in gratitude in this moment. Thank you!


Much light and blessings! Namaste - Anastasia.

“The Art of What Drives Respect”: Respect for Beingness!

Are you in ponder when hit with….: How can I ensure that everyone I know feels the “RESPECT” that I have for them?


Awakening our Truth!  It is for the one who is said “YES” it is through free-will choice….


Awareness of what one is for the Blah, Blah, Blah in one’s life? Living life by design, by claiming one’s life, by the “CHOICE” of walking one’s life or by the anchoring of the chain to one’s feet? An invitation of taking one out of the Blah, Blah, Blah and design to move forward….


In life one set’s goals, plans, executes, measures the results, works till one hits the final goal serving the goal, not the Blah, Blah, Blah in that goal. Uncompetitively, one stretches on with their goals…….plans, why?


The stretching, goals, plans….is it for the journey of exploring, the “WHY” and to connect to the purpose of being…..?

If “WHY” were not to be part of the question, then what would that make of the existence of the essence and the purpose? CHEERS to embracing life and the next level of your passion!!!!


When I decide to embark on a Startup or Business, at the core of my being sits an act of honouring, the acknowledgement of oneness with the “Universe”, the understanding that in that space of creation lies the connectedness of all that is sacred, the essence of the system of life.


In that moment of embarkment comes the confrontation of the decision of “POWER” vs “LEADERSHIP”? Will it be a “CHOICE” in authority to increase the control over others, a Newtonian worldview, where it results in actions bound in win-lose combinations, going far as I can to get what I want, unconsciously sabotaging all that I have or will it be in the form of invitation to share the responsibility in accorded to “RESPECT”, the equal status, the root of that invisible code of “TRUST and LOVE”? In recognition of all relationships, as a mind set based on a “Win-Win-Win-Win”, in which decisions are made with empathy? Will the ideals of “SERVICE” and quality include respect, trust, and love for each employee, customer, supplier and the fragile ecosystem?


What is the impact and the cost on “PRODUCTIVITY” in this story?


I soon discover that in the beingness, in respect, in choice, in leadership is in the time, the time is in a circle not the linear that I have learned from the present-day system. In the innovation of it all, I imagine a railroad track, my human being in the present-day system is on a train track – a human train, chugging along on a train only going forward in a linear form on the track, since the train can’t go back or in reverse. It always goes into the future. That track is always stretched out ahead as future, and what's behind is the past, adding a little wrinkle to that track is “RESPECT”. In saying that this time track goes all around the planet connecting with itself and is one track. But wait: If the track is one track around the globe, that means that eventually the future runs into the past!


Are you with me so far?


This means that I am going to start running over the same track in front of me that I have travelled before as I circle the globe. It's the past that I am running over on the track! And what is it exactly in that past is “POWER” vs “LEADERSHIP”?  The moment of “CHOICE and “RESPECT arrives……


The English definition for the word “respect” according to the Merriam Webster online dictionary

( is:


Respect –

1 : a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation remarks having respect to an earlier plan

2 : an act of giving particular attention : consideration

3 a : high or special regard : esteem

b : the quality or state of being esteemed

c respects plural : expressions of high or special regard or deference paid our respects

4 : particular, detail a good plan in some respects

— in respect of

chiefly British : with respect to : concerning

— in respect to

: with respect to : concerning

— with respect to

: with reference to : in relation to


In more modern, New Age terms or ontologically, “respect” is described as a quality of the mind generally regarded to comprise qualities such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience, sapience and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and one's environment.


For the purpose of this article, “respect” is about increasing and transforming one’s focus of consciousness, giving one the opportunity to transform one’s awareness and how one can live one’s life from…...


…..“RESPECT” Let me sing in hope, let integrity, honesty, truthfulness and mastery be my guides. Help me live out who I am, knowing that my actions are congruent with my beingness. These gifts flow through me giving respect, respecting profit with people, respecting boundaries of giving and receiving, earning respect, inspiring self-respect in those I touch, respecting all life, respecting the Planet.


How can I ensure that everyone I know feels the “RESPECT” that I have for them?


Taking Back Our Power!
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Self care is a gender-neutral concept. In the story of Gender Equality - Self care is essential for both genders, it serves both! When self care is out of balance each gender suffers due to lack of self worthiness, self love, self respect........


The realization that no matter what our origin gender equality is not based or formed in a concept of homogeneous grouping. Gender Equality spans all socio-economic levels and represent a number of different religions and cultures. Nevertheless, gender equality shares the same common denominator, the same problems. In London, Nairobi, Bangkok, New York, Mumbai, Colorado Springs and Calgary. Gender Equality faces similar hurdles and has the potential to develop similar solutions. 

On a day to day bases, an imbalance in gender equality faces limited access to health care, education, employment opportunities, technology, markets, credit facilities and face barriers to upward mobility chosen careers due to society, community, relationship, and individual beliefs, moral and values. These are the different faces of gender inequalities which robs each one of us of our soul and spirit.


When one takes the time for self care for oneself, we self-regulate, we are better able to control the trajectory of our emotional lives, resulting in actions based on our values and sense of purpose.


Self-care is how we take our power back.


Therefore, let’s look at one of the major factors, which makes or breaks any given situation called “POWER”. Power is understood as the capacity to make decisions. All relationships are affected by the exercise of power. When power is used to make decisions regarding one’s own life, it becomes an affirmation of self-acceptance and self-respect that, in turn, fosters respect and acceptance of others as equals. When used to dominate, power imposes obligations on, restricts, prohibits and makes decisions about the lives of others. To prevent and respond to Gender Equality effectively, the power relationship between men and women, women and women, men and men, adults and children, and children among children must be analyzed and understood.


What are we afraid of?         The Power of Love:


#genderequality #genderbalance #powerofgenderequality #powerofselfcare #takebackyourpower #empowerment #selfcare #selfrespect #wellness #mentalhealth #health #education #spirituality #humanbeing #spiritualbeing #mindfulness #healing #leadership #entrepreneur #mentalhealthawareness #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #goals #natural #balance #balanceforbetter #inittogether #mindset #selfawareness #peace #growth #inclusivity #diversity #pluralistic #globalgoals #SDG3 #SDG4 #SDG5 #SDG10 #SDG11 #SDG13 #SDG16 #SDG17 #Agenda2030




To The Love of My Life

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Although I sense you near, you are not here.
I’ve looked for you everywhere, calling for you, bending backwards til I’m broke. 
And in my pieces, I learned to heal, seeing I was still love. A heart grateful for a beauty that came from the growing into wholeness and Guidance you helped spiritually pave.
Soon I learned you just were always here in within me, my heart, in the deepest depths of my soul. 
There was and is no one else. 
So, I wait in my peace. Happy that each day I get to store up a pure love like stardust and diamonds-just for us. 
Each morning, Saying “good morning, my love” as the sun’s gaze shines your radiance; each night saying “good night, my love” as the stars align. 
Holding my love so far and wide believing you’re within reach and knowing some day, some how we will collide. 
One day, you will come when you want to see this fire that burns for you, when you want to know our truth, when you know there’s someone so lovely meant just for you. 
An infinite love just for you. 




“May our heart’s garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Awakening from within, planting and maintaining sweetness and light I am on a long journey enjoying the windy seasons, for many Springs and Autumns to come until a birth time of future blessings…..


What magic? What wonder? The realistic, driving the urge to fill days with as much normality as possible: yummy food, nice wine, artistic networking, and cozy loving relationships I read bus time-tables with careful, if slightly obsessive planning on solid ground. And if I stop for a moment and close my eyes and listen carefully I may also hear the stirring of a powerful transformation currently taking place – a transformation of the soul, one that is able to experience the mysteries of life and love and, in the end, reveal the treasure that always emerges from difficult situations. And therein lays the magic: the ability to trust in the dark and know that good always prevails.


Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing yourself is enlightenment.

~ Lao Tsu ~


‘Fire trine’


In understanding there is a happy balance between the rational and intuitive and how there is often more than meets the eye to our desire, activity, or even wisdom, concentrating in what I wish for and upon, my energy flowing directly where my attention goes. With the force of my thoughts and feelings tending to be rather precise. With a big sigh, I breath new life and form into the lifeless and formless; that cuts, stings and severs with a speedy flash of a scimitar tail. For it is time.


In the balance, together finding liberation through love and love through liberation – as one simply can’t have one without the other; and ties that manipulate, suffocate, hold back or harm are now loosened. Indeed, not fence-in or curtail those I love. Indeed, if love is at heart, I let others be free; otherwise it is not love, more likely a control or power game. For there is value in our diversity, being unique and being part of the whole. 


I am open to alter means of exchange; in the collective value system I embrace revolutionary new ideas to generate the stability I seek. Awakening, realizing in the cycle of life and death, and how I am reborn, lifetime after lifetime. Bringing karma into each life, in seeing, how I need tools to deal with various issues; for I realize the eightfold path and noble truths. – awakening – LOVE = Leave Out The Violence. In collective awareness, my personal actions, impact upon the planet. Creating the sign of the Earth in all her glory, the journey of life, in awakening to the loving and kindness.


What The Bleep Do We Know


“No Mud, No Lotus.”~ Thich Nhat Han ~ ‘The perfection of wisdom’, a most auspicious sign emerging as beauty in action, growing tall and strong to rise up through murky mud, always reaching towards the light! My action and thoughts have a ripple effect –sometimes waving outwards, sometimes waving inwards, my potential actions, thoughts and ideas have far-reaching implications – in intention, I serve humanity before self.







In confidence, I know and trust that I am safe,

And my being knows that my consciousness is my guardian.

It is not from that place of arrogance,

As I am committed to be my natural self,

I believe in worthiness to be my path of existence,

Here is where I am right now,

I am this way by no mistake,

And things are going to get better.

Confidence begins with being who I am,

that is by divine appointment.

From self obsession to self expression,

I am who I am by divine appointment.

From imperfection to self obsession,

I am a work of art in progress,

And the demons in me are no longer my fights,

I bare witness to the master therein.

I honour the being I am,

I honour the new pathway,

I honour the shadow within.

The unworthiness is the commitment,

The commitment to the soul that I am.

Hide no more I will,

For I am Confidence.  


Wisdom tells me I am nothing,

Love tells me I am everything,

Between the two my life flows.


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